• What is Social and Emotional Learning?

    Glassboro is one of the first districts in the county to commit to the development of the whole child by incorporating social and emotional learning. All stakeholders will work hard each day to support each child as a whole and to promote academic, social, and emotional growth because we believe children have the potential to be successful both in and out of the classroom. Please join us as we embark on this new journey for our school district.


    Social and emotional learning (SEL) involves the process through which children and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. At Glassboro Public Schools, our Social Emotional Learning model empowers teachers and students with a framework to cultivate Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills and Responsible Decision Making. This will be achieved through intentional practice in a safe, structured environment so that the balance between Self-Efficacy and Social Harmony can be obtained. While immersed in SEL and Mindfulness practices, teachers, staff and administrators will focus on the needs of the whole child: emotional, physical, and mental. When these three are in balance, a student is able to be fully engaged and “Bulldog Ready”. 



    Students will focus on Self-Awareness by learning how to recognize their own feelings and thoughts, as well as the impact that those feelings and thoughts have on their behavior. Students will also focus on identifying their personal traits, strengths and limitations and become aware of the importance that self-confidence plays in their daily life.


    Self-Regulation will help students to move from impulsivity to positively navigated behavioral choices. Students will learn strategies to manage their emotions, thoughts, and feelings and recognize the skills needed to establish and achieve personal and educational goals. 


    Students will become more Socially Aware by practicing the skills of active listening; participating in skill building and social activities; and learning how to be empathetic, respectful members of their community. Students will demonstrate awareness of the differences among individuals, groups, and others’ cultural background and develop a more proactive, communal view of the world.


    Relationship Skills will allow students to work on the skill of establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, with their peers, school staff, and community members. Students will learn how to utilize positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others as well as identify ways to resist inappropriate social pressure (peer pressure).


    Responsible Decision-Making will aid students in developing, implementing, and modeling effective problem solving and critical thinking skills. Students will also be able to identify the consequences associated with their actions in order to make the best decision possible.


    Students will be encouraged and supported on their journey to finding their balance between Self-Efficacy and Social Harmony. Self-Efficacy involves students having a belief in their ability to succeed and accomplish goals. Social Harmony is the ability to understand relationships between self and others and having the confidence to function in situations that require empathy, communication, listening and compassion. When students find a healthy balance, they will feel centered, valued, and like a respected, contributing member of society.