• Welcome to  Mr. Rogers' Home Page


    Welcome back students and parents! I am looking forward to another exciting year.

    Please remember to continue to do the following:
    1) Please check your child's folder nightly. There is important information that comes home daily.
    2) Have a "homework" area for your child (include any materials that might be needed to complete assignments.)
    3) Be supportive in whatever task your child takes on.
    4) THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: READ, READ, READ and READ some more with your child. 
    5) Please be sure that your child's laptop is charged each evening for school the following day. 
    **In addition, with the temperature fluctuations in school, I strongly encourage you to send in a sweatshirt, jacket or sweater with your child.
    If you have any questions about ANYTHING please feel free to email me at srogers@gpsd.us or call me @ 856.652.2700 ext 8234 and leave a message.


Last Modified on November 12, 2024