- Bullock School
- The Burt Bunch Home Page
Mrs. Burt's Home Page
Dear Burt Bunch Families,
Please take some time to look at next week's Week at a Glance. The class did a great job working on the second round of MAP testing. They were very respectful of each other. They worked quietly the whole time we tested. I am super proud of them.
Next week...
- No school on Monday.
- Don't forget our cafeteria snack day is Tuesday. Please send in a snack each day for our classroom snack.
- We should be getting new library books on Thursday. Please remember to leave the books in your child's backpack at all times. This really helps with lost books. Every student returned their books last time. GREAT JOB!!
- The PTO is having their MVP dance on February 7 for 1st-3rd graders. Information will be sent home early in the week.
Have a wonderful weekend! GO BIRDS!
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
Dear Burt Bunch Families,
Please take some time to look at next week’s Week at a Glance.
Next week…
- Homework packets will be sent home Monday, January 6.
- Tuesday is our cafeteria snack day.
- Don’t forget to send your child to school with a snack for in class each day.
I look forward to a great New Year!
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
Dear Burt Bunch Families,
Please take some time to look at next week’s Week at a Glance.
Next week…
- We have Spirit Week next week (see below).
- Monday is game day. Your child may bring a board game to play with our 5th grade buddies.
- Tuesday is snack day in the cafeteria.
- Short homework week. All homework packets are due on Thursday.
- Thursday we are doing a craft with our 5th grade buddies and building gingerbread houses.
- Friday is Early Dismissal.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
Dear Burt Bunch Families,
Thank you for attending the Parent-Teacher conferences. It was nice to get to see and talk with each of you. Please take some time to look at next week’s Week at a Glance.
Next week…
- On Monday library books are due.
- Make sure your child keeps their library books in their backpack.
- Tuesday is snack day in the cafeteria.
- Please see the link for the sign-up for our holiday events.
CLICK HERE for link.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
CLICK HERE to sign up for Holiday Events
CLICK HERE to sign up for a Parent-Teacher Conference
Dear Burt Bunch Families,
Thank you for all your support for our First Grade Thanksgiving Feast and our Friendship Fruit Salad. All the students seemed to have a great time. If you have not signed up for a Parent-Teacher conference, please do so as soon as possible. CLICK HERE to sign up. Starting the week of December 2, our class will have snack day in the cafeteria on Tuesdays. You only need to send snack money on Tuesdays. Don’t forget to look at next week’s Week at a Glance.
Next week…
- Tuesday-Friday Parent/Teacher Conferences and Early Dismissal for students.
- Tuesday is snack day in the cafeteria.
- Don’t forget library books should always stay in your child’s backpack.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! I am thankful for a wonderful group of students and parents. Thank you for letting me be a part of your child’s journey.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
November 22, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
We had a great week! Thank you for all your support! Today we had a visit from our 3rd grade Book Buddies. Both classes did a wonderful job!
Next week:
- Please send in supplies for Tuesday’s Feast on Monday. (Goldfish and plates)
- Please send in Friendship Fruit Salad supplies by Wednesday.
- We got our library books on Wednesday (11/20). Please keep your child’s library books in their bookbags. The students like to look at them during the school day and this helps them from getting misplaced. I will let you know when they need to be returned. If your child does not return their books, they will not be able to get new books. The students were able to get two books. A few students choose to get only one book.
- On Monday we will meet with our 5th grade buddies.
- On Monday we will have a guidance lesson with Miss Evans.
- NO HOMEWORK NEXT WEEK! Early dismissal on Wednesday. Schools are closed Thursday and Friday.
- Our Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held December 3-6. Students will have early dismissal on those days.
CLICK HERE to see Thanksgiving Events sign-up
CLICK HERE to sign up for a Parent-Teacher Conference
Have a wonderful weekend!
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
November 14, 2024
Please use the link below to see the sign-up for Parent Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be held from December 3-December 6, 2024.
CLICK HERE to sign up for a Parent-Teacher Conference
Thank you,
Mrs. Burt
November 13 2024
Please use the link below to see sign up for Thanksgiving Events.
CLICK HERE to see Thanksgiving Events sign-up
November 1, 2024
Dear Burt Bunch Families,
Thank you for all your support for a great Halloween! Many students said, “this is the best day”!
Please remember I will be out for the next 2 weeks (November 4-November 15). There will be no homework packets sent home while I am out. I did send home a letter on Friday (11/1/24) with two word lists. I also sent home an optional Turkey Disguise Project that is due November 15, 2024.
I will have limited access to emails, so please contact the office with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for all your support,
Mrs. Burt
Don’t forget!
11/7 & 11/8 Schools are closed
11/11 Schools are closed
Dear Burt Bunch Families,
Thank you for another great week! Halloween is approaching quickly. If you signed up to donate to the class party, please send the items in by Thursday morning. Earlier would be better. I am excited about celebrating in class with the children. I have lots of special events planned for the day.
I need some more snacks for snack time. Individual bags of pretzels, Goldfish, or Cheez-It crackers work best.
I wanted to remind you that I will be having a medical procedure on November 4 and will not be at school from November 4th- 15th. I plan to return on Monday, November 18th. Due to my procedure, you will not be getting updated for a few weeks. I am also not sending homework for those weeks.
If your child’s transportation changes during my time off, please write a note and send it to school with your child. I will have limited email access while I am healing, and the sub will not have any email access.
Make-up picture day will be November 13, 2024.
If you have any questions or problems while I am out, please don’t hesitate to call the office for assistance.
I thank you for your help and support while I am out.
Don't forget to check out our Week at a Glance.
Next week…
- On Tuesday we will visit our 5th grade buddies.
- On Thursday we will celebrate Halloween. Please send costumes in a bag with your child’s name clearing marked on it.
- Homework will be sent home on Monday and due Thursday. There will be NO HOMEWORK on Thursday.
Have a great weekend,
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
October 18, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
The students enjoyed a lesson from Miss Evans today. They talked about how they can squeeze out bullying. The story they listened to was The Juice Box Bully.
The winning parents for helping on Halloween are Mrs. Aktar and Mrs. Esposito. Thank you to all the parents that volunteered. Don't forget to check out our Week at a Glance.
Next week...
- A new homework packet will be sent on Monday.
- Please make sure you check your child's folder each day. It really helps to have it cleaned out each day.
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for all your support.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
October 10, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
I hope you are looking forward to the 4-day weekend. Please make sure you check out the sign-up for Halloween (link is below). I will be choosing two parents to help on Halloween on Friday the 18th. I need to have interested parents signed up by 7am on Friday, October 18th. Don't forget to look at our Week at a Glance too.
Next week...
- No school on Monday.
- Mid-Module Math Assessment Tuesday.
- Phonics Assessment Thursday.
- Homework packets will be sent on Tuesday and due on Friday.
- Ms. Evans will visit on Friday.
Have a wonderful long weekend, and thank you for all your support.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
October 4, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
Our class enjoyed some guest readers today from Bowe School. Please don't forget to look at our Week at a Glance for next week. Our Halloween events will be happening soon. Please check out our sign-up genius (link below) to see what is needed for our Halloween Events. It is very important that you read the whole letter. I will only need 2 parents to help with this event. I will do a Spinning Wheel to choose if necessary.
Next week...
- New homework packets will be sent home on Monday. They are due on Thursday this week.
- Next week is Spirit Week for Week of Respect. (see attachment in Week at a Glance tab)
- Schools are closed Friday, October 11 and Monday, October 14. Enjoy your long weekend!
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for all your support.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
September 30, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
We had a busy but fun week. Please take some time to look at our Week at a Glance for next week.
Next week...
- Homework packets will start. Packets will be sent home on Monday and due by Friday. I know we all have a lot going on before and after school, so you can complete your child's homework on your schedule during the week. You can leave the packet in your child's home folder so it does not get lost. I will collect all the packets on Friday, even if completed early. This helps me keep them organized.
- We will have our Hispanic Read-In on Friday.
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for all your support.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
September 19, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
I hope you all had a nice week. Please take a look at our Week at a Glance for next week. Don't forget to check out our PTO Facebook page for fundraisers to help support our schools (Glassboro PTO). Don't forget to pack a simple snack for your child each day.
Next week...
- Picture Day will be Tuesday, September 24, 2024. Picture forms were sent home with the students this week.
- Pretzel Orders will be sent home on Friday. No late pretzel orders can be accepted.
- We will meet our 5th grade buddies on Thursday for our first mentoring event.
- Our first phonics assessment will be Friday. The students will need to write the alphabet in lower case letters and know the sounds of the letters.
- I will send home practice sheets for the alphabet this week on Monday and Wednesday.
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for all your support.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
September 13, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
We had a great full week of school. Thank you to all that were able to attend the back-to-school night. Below is a link to my presentation if you missed it.
I am so impressed that we were able to get all our MAP testing completed this week. The class did awesome! Please take a look at our Week at a Glance and DON'T forget to send a simple dry snack with your child each day.
Next week...
- Guidance Lesson with Miss Evans
- Bulldog Pride Assembly Tuesday (needed to be moved from last week)
- All About Me Posters were due today, 9/13/24.
- Homework will not start until the first week of October. October 7, 2024
- Please check your child's folder each night.
Have a wonderful weekend, and thank you for all your support.
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt
Click to veiw
Back to School Night Presentation
September 7, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
Thank you for sending great kids to school this week. Everyone did awesome! I think we should be getting our Take-Home folders early this week, hopefully Monday. Please check out this week's Week at a Glance. See the tab to the left.
This week...
- Back-to-School Night Tuesday, September 10, 2024 6pm-8pm
- All About Me Posters are due Friday. They can come in early.
- We will try to do some of our MAP testing this week.
- We have an assembly on Friday about Bulldog Pride.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Burt
September 4, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
Thank you to all those that came in to visit me today. Tomorrow morning, all first-grade students will be directed to the cafeteria to meet their teacher. I have updated our specials schedule. Please see the tabs to the left. I will send a copy home with students as well. We do not have our take-home folders yet. I will give them out as soon as they arrive. First grade lunch will start at 10:15. Since we will eat so early in the day, I have decided to add a short snack time to our daily schedule. Snack time will be at 1:20 each day. Please send in a simple dry snack for your child each day. (pretzels, goldfish, dry cereal are great items to send in.) I would greatly appreciate any donations of pretzels or goldfish for students that may forget a snack. NO PEANUT OR TREE NUTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. Don’t forget breakfast is available in the morning for all students from 8:45-9:05. I will use this web page and emails to communicate with parents throughout the year.
I look forward to tomorrow!
Mrs. Burt
August 23, 2024
Hello Burt Bunch Families,
Welcome to our class! (Room D-1) I am looking forward to meeting all my new students and their families. Don't forget the First Grade Orientation is Wednesday, September 4 from 1-2 pm. Please see the schedule below for your child's session. I will use this web page for weekly updates all school year. Take a minute to view the tabs to the left for some helpful information. For the first day of school, please make sure you have your child's bus pass or a note about how they will get home from school in their backpack. Your child will also need to know his or her lunch pin. (This is their 5-digit student number.) Now would be a great time to practice. They will have to key the number in on a keypad, just like a phone keypad. A great idea is to have them practice on the phone. Muscle memory is a great thing. (I will provide them with a card that will have their number on it each day.)
I am looking forward to a great year! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Burt