• Mr. Cross

    Email: scross@gpsd.us

    6th Grade Western Civilization

    7th & 8th Grade World Cultures


    Hello and welcome back to another amazing school year! My name is Stephen Cross. I am a graduate of Stockton University with a Bachelors degree in Historical Studies and Disability Studies. This is my first year at Bowe Middle School, and I am beyond thankful for the opportunity that has been bestowed on me. 

    I do my best to create an atmosphere of respect and growth. As middle school teachers, it is our duty to ensure that we create an environment that exemplifies positive character, a safe space for learning, and an opportunity to grow not just as student learners, but as people overall. 


    Simple essentials that students need for World Cultures

    • Purple folder
    • Charged Laptop
    • Pencil/Pen
    • Notebook

    Simple essentials that students need for Western Civilization

    • Yellow folder
    • Charged Laptop
    • Pencil
    • Flash Cards


    If you are more interested in getting to know about me, please click on the following link that will take you to my website.
