
Fundations for Kindergarten

  • Fundations is a comprehensive phoneme/phonological awareness program. We are currently examining identifying lowercase letters and their correct sounds.  We have also begun incorporating Heggerty Phonics which is rhyming, initial/final sounds, and syllabication. 

    This week will focus on qu and z. We will review previously taught letters t, b, f, m, n, i, u, c, a, g, o, d, s. e, r, p, j, l, h, k, v, w. y, and x.  We will be practicing correct line placement when writing the letters, as well as the sound for each.  We will also extend our learning by writing words with these letters.  During the lessons, I have integrated digraphs and blends to challenge students as well.  We also talked about vowel consonant e patterns briefly and will look closer at this in future weeks.