    2021 - 2026 Strategic Plan   
    Why Plan?
    Strategic Planning creates an organization-wide mission--a "vision"--that directs, motivates and inspires all members of the educational community to work together for the common good. The process allows Glassboro Board of Education and administration to become more strategic managers of our limited resources and helps the district to be proactive rather than reactive when addressing change.

    Strategic planning answers three big questions:

    1.  Where are we today?
    2.  Where do we want to be in the future?
    3.  What should we be focused on today in order to get where we want to be tomorrow?

    From 2020 - 2021, a group of parents, staff, board members and community members worked as a committee to develop the 2021 - 2026 Strategic Plan to guide our district. The district also surveyed the school community to gain the perspective of a broader range of stakeholders.

    The Glassboro Board of Education approved the Strategic Plan framework in February 2021 and Major Activities associated with the plan in March 2021 at the regular board meetings for those months.

    Superintendent Mark Silverstein presented an update on progress made in implementing the plan at the January 19, 2022 Board Meeting. Click here to see the superintendent's PowerPoint presentation.


Last Modified on January 20, 2022