- Glassboro Public Schools
- Are parents present during a student interview?
Anti Bullying
Page Navigation
- HIB Home Page and District Contact Information
- District Anti-Bullying Self-Assessments/NJ Official Release of District Self-Assessments
- What is "HIB" or bullying?
- Start Anonymous Incident Report
- HIB Timeline
- 10 Steps of the Complaint and Investigation Process
- Why does the process take so long?
- Why don't administrators tell me anything about the incident when they make the initial call?
- Are parents present during a student interview?
- What happens when my child is labeled a "bully" as a result of an investigation?
- What are the consequences for students who have violated the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights?
- How will this affect my child's school record?
- What information will I receive at the conclusion of the investigation?
- HIB Forms
- HIB Policies
- HIB Resources
Are parents present during a student interview?
Anti-bullying specialists and principals conduct student interviews regarding a multitude of activities and incidents going on in school buildings each day. Parents are not involved in these interviews, but are updated on the content of these conversations as the investigation is concluded.