• Rules, Procedures, and Expectations


    math teacher  


    “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”


    Before Class


    The following materials must be brought to class each day:  (1) textbook or laptop; (2) your notebook (containing all homework, class-work, and hand-outs); (3) a pencil or pen; and (4) a calculator.  If you need to sharpen your pencil you must do that as soon as you come in.  You should not ask for a writing utensil throughout the class, if you need one please ask as you walk into the class. 


    If you are absent from a class it is your responsibility to copy the notes from another student and to ask the teacher what you missed.  The teacher will be happy to review the material with you; however, not during class, but after school.  It is also your responsibility to show the teacher any homework assignments that were due the day of your absence.  If you missed a quiz or test due to an absence you have as many days as you were out of school to make up this quiz or test.  If you do not make up the quiz or test in the allotted amount of time a grade of “0” will be entered into the grade book an will not be allowed to retake. 


    You are provided five minutes to pass between classes.  If the bell starts to ring and you are still not in the room you are late.  According to school policy, a referral to the office is required for every student lateness.  This is your warning that you will be written up if you are late to class. 


    During Class

    Responsibility and Respect

    As you walk into the classroom there will be a warm-up problem on the board.  You are expected to enter the class and begin work on this warm-up problem.  This problem will be collected randomly throughout the semester and will be given a grade.  Following the warm-up the lesson will begin. 

    During the lesson, you are expected to be paying attention and copying the notes on the board.  If the teacher writes notes on the board they should go into your notebook.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask and the teacher will address them as soon as it is possible.  Please do not randomly get out of your seat to either sharpen your pencil (this should already be taken care of), get a tissue, or any other reason.  If you need something or need to go somewhere please ask the teacher and you will be instructed when you can do so.  These are distractions that are unnecessary and not needed to occur during class.  You will be permitted to go to the nurse and bathroom at the teacher’s discretion.  Do not ask during a lecture or lesson; only ask while you are working on an assignment. 

                Instructions will be given a maximum of two times.  If you did not receive the instructions ask another student to explain them to you.  If you fail to pay attention when the instructions are given the teacher would be happy to explain them to you again after school.

                During the lesson, you are expected to be attentive.  If you are not attentive and are rather disruptive (i.e. talking to other students, not following the rules, and/or other disruptive behavior) you will be required to stay after school.  If these behaviors continue your seat will be moved.  If your behavior continues to be disruptive you will then be sent to the office for disrupting the learning of others. 

                Also, if you are sleeping during class you will receive one warning.  If you continue to sleep, you will be sent to the nurse as per school policy.   

                Also, there is no food or drink allowed in the classroom.  You are welcome to bring an unopened water bottle to class.  However, this bottle of water must be regular water (not vitamin water) and must be unopened before class.  If you have any food or drink when you enter the class you must put it away.  If you choose to eat or drink this food/drink you will be assigned an automatic detention.  If you continue to eat or drink you will be written up for failure to follow a teacher’s directions. 


    Extra Help

    The teacher is always after school everyday.  If you need help please stay after and the teacher will be more then happy to help you.  However, this does not mean you can slack off in class.  If you are following the rules and working hard the teacher will be glad to help; however, if you were disrupting the class and not following the rules you may not receive help if there are other students seeking help that day.  Also, before you ask the teacher please ask another student usually this is beneficial because it will save you and the teacher time. 


    End of Class

    The “end of block bell” does not mean get out of your seat and run out of the room.  You must remain seated until the bell rings.  When you do leave the class please push your chair in and make sure there is no trash under your desk.  Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.  If you feel that the teacher will make you late to your next class please let the teacher know and they will provide you a pass for your next class. 


    Once you have been assigned a “teacher detention” your name will be written on a white board and posted in front of the room.  You will be given a 24-hour notice of this detention. 

                If you have a conflict that prevents you from serving your detention on that day you must see the teacher beforehand to reschedule your detention.  If you fail to show up for your detention you will be scheduled another teacher detention for double the amount of time.  This second detention will be scheduled for the next day.  If you fail to show up to either detention you will be written up for cutting two teacher detentions. 

                You are responsible for remembering your detentions.  If need be write them in your agenda book.  You are expected to report for your detention no later then 2:30.  If you do not report by this time you are considered to be cutting your detention.  Please bring work to complete.  If you attempt to sleep or talk to other students you will be scheduled another detention for double the time. 


    Cell Phone/MP3 Players/Other electronic devices

    These are not allowed in the room.  If the teacher sees any of these devices they will collect the device and will turn them into the office accompanied with a referral.  This is your only warning.



                If you are cheating on any assessment you will automatically receive a grade of 0.  You will not be able to retake this assessment.  If you have your phone out during an assessment this will be considered cheating.


    Golden Rule


              “Treat people as you want to be treated”


    Grading Scale

    Formative Assessments                                 20%


                 Summative Assessments                                80%            




Last Modified on September 7, 2021