- Bullock School
- Medication Information for Parents - copy
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Dear Parents/Guardians:
The Glassboro Board of Education in keeping with the American Medical Association and the New Jersey Department of Education, discourages the administration of medication at school. The administration of prescribed medication to a pupil during school hours will only be permitted when failure to do so would jeopardize the health of the pupil or the pupil would not be able to attend school if the medication were not given during school hours.
Every effort should be made to administer medication at home. However, medication can be administered at school if necessary.
In order for any medication (including over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, cough syrup, medicinal creams, etc.) to be administered to or by a student at school, the following conditions must be met:
A. Parent/ Guardian may administer medication to their child at school. This should be coordinated with the school nurse.
B. If Parent/ Guardian is unable to assume this responsibility, only a certified school nurse, school nurse substitute, or physician may administer the medication.
C. For both PRESCRIPTION and NON-PRESCRIPTION medication (such as Tylenol and cough syrup, medicinal creams, etc.) we must have:
1. A written order from the prescribing physician or advanced practice nurse which shall state: child’s name, reason for medication, name and specific dosage of the medication, time of day to be given, duration of therapy, possible side effects and any special instructions of which the nurse should be aware (forms available from school nurse for this purpose);
2. A signed permission note from the parent or guardian giving the nurse permission to administer the medication as prescribed (forms available from school nurse for this purpose);
3. The prescription or non-prescription medication must be brought to school by parent/guardian or adult pupil in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER and appropriately labeled by pharmacy or physician.
D. If the school nurse has any concern about administering the medication, the school physician will be contacted for advice and direction.
E. The certified school nurse, substitute school nurse, or parent or guardian is the only person permitted to administer medications in the school.
F. It is preferred that parent/guardian accompany child on school trips when medication is needed.
G. If a prescription medication is to be given on a regular basis (e.g. Ritalin, Asthma, or Anaphylaxis medication, etc.), the physician’s written order and parent note must be re-submitted for each school year.
H. The school nurse shall maintain a record of students to whom medications may be administered, the names of the prescribing physicians and the name, dose, time, and route of medications.
A medication schedule will be established at each school and if a school nurse is not available, parents/guardians shall be responsible for administering medication to their child.
Our nurses are eager to assist you with the health care of your children, however we are unable to administer unknown drugs or any medication without a written order from child’s medical provider. Therefore, for the health and safety of your child, unless all of the above conditions are met, we will not be responsible for administration of medication to your child at school.
If you have any questions related to this matter, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school nurse.
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