- Glassboro High School
- The Little Bulldogs Nursery School
Due to Covid-19 and restrictions therein, the fall semester for Little Bulldogs has been limited to 10 children. We are hoping to open 5 more spots in the spring session!
Please submit inquiries to nbrown@gpsd.us
Welcome to
The Little Bulldogs Nursery SchoolStudents enrolled in Child Development & Early Childhood Education 1 operate "The Little Bulldogs Nursery School" during both semesters in any given school year. This program is for children in Glassboro and immediate surrounding communities. Parents of children ages 3-5 years old are encouraged to apply. We accept a total of 15 preschoolers on a first come basis. Children must be toilet trained and be able to verbally communicate. GHS students assist in planning and participate in teaching the nursery school class under the direction of the class instructor, Mrs. Nancy Brown.Little Bulldogs Nursery School runs two sessions per school year: The Fall session runs from the mid/end of October to the end of January. The Spring session runs end March or beginning of April thru the first week of June. (Dates are subject to chance as per high school calendar). Cost is determined per number of weeks class will meet and will be announced when determined.
If you are interested in siging up your child or have any questions about the program, choose the next Little Bulldogs info area or please contact Mrs. Brown, directly, at GHS 652-2700 ext. 8123 oremail nbrown@gpsd.us . Registration and immunization forms need to be completed and submitted upon joining our program.
Last Modified on September 8, 2021