- Glassboro High School
- Senior Experience
Hemmes, Rob
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Senior ExperienceSenior Experience is a supervised, non-traditional, independent study* that offers seniors the opportunity to explore careers (paid and non-paid internships) perform community service or artistic expression, volunteer, or complete college courses.*Students are given one open block for the Senior Experience.Students will begin making connections (networking) while still in high school, applying learned concepts, plan for a future career, learn by doing, and advance beyond the walls of the high school. Students will be required to communicate with their faculty mentor throughout the duration of their experience.Students will apply for program participation during the course selection process in their junior year. Eligibility will be determined by guidance, in coordination with a business department faculty member. Eligible students will be required to make personal contacts, establish a business partnership, develop field experiences, or select a college to attend.A Professional Development Portfolio, created by each student, serves as the final exam for this course. This is a Pass-Fail course
Last Modified on September 8, 2020