• Co-op
    ATTENTION SENIORS!!! With career preparation in mind, Co-op offers you the opportunity to put your classroom knowledge into training and practice. You will work in local businesses (department stores, discount stores, restaurants, banks, etc.) and be rewarded not only by a paycheck but also with a grade for your efforts. Relating on-the-job experiences and learning more about business enterprise is accomplished in the classroom.
    This classroom instruction and work experience provides you with 15 credits towards graduation. Early dismissal is provided for co-op students; however, students wishing to remain in school( for labs, additional courses, etc.)  can be accommodated in businesses with flexible scheduling. School store operations are under senior management. Let’s face facts, almost all of you will work in the field of marketing/ distribution at one time in your life, whether as a career possibility or as a means of support while furthering your education. 
    Marketing Education I is recommended, but not required, prior to Co-op
Last Modified on September 8, 2020