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Message from the Superintendent:Welcome to Glassboro Schools
Dear Glassboro Resident:Welcome to Glassboro Schools. We pride ourselves on offering curriculum, programs, and activities that place Glassboro children on the pathway to success.
This year, all four of our schools received acclaim as recipients of Character.org’s 2023 Promising Practice Awards. We continue to implement character initiatives across the district.
Glassboro High School Introduction to Business Class students won the national Invent2Prevent Competition in Washington, D.C. this summer after presenting their original R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (Reach Every Student Providing Encouraging Thoughts) Program. GHS students also enjoyed success last school year when they became county champions in the Vincent J. Apruzzese High School Mock Trial and New Jersey Consumer Bowl competitions and accomplished numerous victories in athletics. Athletic participation rates are on the rise.
Thomas E. Bowe School celebrated its first year as a middle school in 2022/2023 with the introduction of new science/stem labs and athletic programs. Dorothy L. Bullock School debuted a student council with representatives from each class. J. Harvey Rodgers School has a sensory hallway, which is perfect for young students.
Over the past few years, we’ve dedicated our resources to raising the academic bar while also making prudent budget adjustments to keep our district on firm financial footing. I want to personally thank you for your support of Glassboro education. I hope to see you at our many concerts, plays, and other school events throughout the school year!
Dr. Mark J. Silverstein
Superintendent of Glassboro Public Schools
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