- Glassboro Public Schools
- HIB Forms
Anti Bullying
Page Navigation
- HIB Home Page and District Contact Information
- District Anti-Bullying Self-Assessments/NJ Official Release of District Self-Assessments
- What is "HIB" or bullying?
- Start Anonymous Incident Report
- HIB Timeline
- 10 Steps of the Complaint and Investigation Process
- Why does the process take so long?
- Why don't administrators tell me anything about the incident when they make the initial call?
- Are parents present during a student interview?
- What happens when my child is labeled a "bully" as a result of an investigation?
- What are the consequences for students who have violated the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights?
- How will this affect my child's school record?
- What information will I receive at the conclusion of the investigation?
- HIB Forms
- HIB Policies
- HIB Resources