Dear Glassboro Community:


    Please help us in providing "Winter Warmth" to families in our community who could benefit from the kindness of others during these difficult times. 


    Please see the link below, which explains our community service project and how you can help make it successful. Every donation matters.

    We would like to invite you to help us provide our Glassboro families with some "Winter Warmth". Our goal is to provide local families in need with socks, gloves, hats, and scarves to help keep them warm this winter. All donations will be delivered to the Samaritan Center in Glassboro. Please consider donating an item, (or as many as you like) as listed below. All items can be delivered to Glassboro High School through December 11, 2023. Thank you all for your support at this time of giving.


    This is a Community Service Project where the goal is for Glassboro community members to help Glassboro families. DECA is collecting socks, hats, gloves, and scarves to help provide "Winter Warmth" for those in need. All donations will be delivered to the Samaritan Center in Glassboro on December 13, 2023.  If you are aware of anyone who would be interested in participating, please feel free to share the link.


    If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to contact Barbara Jones: bjones@gpsd.us 


    Take care and stay safe,


    Glassboro DECA




    Mission Statement:  DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

    Members compete against other high schools in the Business & Marketing Challenge at Six Flags Great Adventure. Glassboro DECA has consistently won 1st place 10 out of the last 11 years. Students attend the Six Flags Great Adventure theme park to find out how their submittal placed and get to enjoy a day at the park.

    Members also compete in the New Jersey High Consumer Bowl Competition, which is an educational competition for high school students across the state. It was established in 1997 to educate young adults on a variety of consumer issues.


    2023/2024 Club Officers:

    Trevor Smith, President

    Joy Patel, Vice President

    Venus Eichfeld, Treasurer

    Andrew Miller, Secretary


    Planned Activities for 2023-2024:

    1. 2023/2024 DECA Monthly Meeting:  Meetings every first and third Monday of each month after school at 2:05 pm from 9/18/2023 through 5/13/2024
    2. 2024 Consumer Bowl Competition:  TBD (early February is County Competition with potential to advance to Regional/State).  Team members will meet Monday-Thursday after school during the month of January through to the competition date.
    3. School Beautification Project: DECA students will maintain the raised flower beds in front of Glassboro High School.
    4. Community Service Project: The goal is for Glassboro community members to help Glassboro families. DECA is collecting socks, hats, gloves, and scarves to help provide "Winter Warmth" for those in need. All donations will be delivered to the Samaritan Center in Glassboro. 
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Last Modified on July 16, 2024