
    Physical Education Rules





    1.      Students are expected not to push, hit, or fight in the gymnasium.


    2.     Please do not chew gum, eat food, or drink in the gymnasium.


    3.     Do not talk when the teacher is talking.  Please raise your hand if you have a question. 


    4.   Please refrain from wearing any necklaces, bracelets, anklets, or long earrings during P.E. class (you may only wear stud earrings).  This is to prevent you from losing your jewelry and also so that students do not get injured.


    5.    Please don't touch equipment that is set up in the gym, unless you are told to.


    6.     You may only get a drink, go to the bathroom or leave the gym after you raise your hand and I give you permission AND you sign out on the clipboard.


    7.  Please do not disrespect other students or adults.  This includes talking back, making fun of, cursing at, or playing unsafely.  Treat everyone, as you would want to be treated. 

Last Modified on September 8, 2022