- Glassboro High School
- Who does inclusion help?
Wisniewski, Richard
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Who does Inclusion help?
Children with Special Needs General Education Teachers Society - affords a sense of belonging to the diverse human family
- provides a diverse stimulating environment in which to grow and learn
- evolves in feelings of being a member of a diverse community
- enables development of friendships
- provides opportunities to develop neighborhood friends
- enhances self-respect
- provides affirmations of individuality
- provides peer models
- provides opportunities to be educated with same-age peers
- provides opportunities to experience diversity of society on a small scale in a classroom
- develops an appreciation that everyone has unique and beautiful characteristics and abilities
- develops respect for others with diverse characteristics
- develops sensitivity toward others' limitations
- develops feelings of empowerment and the ability to make a difference
- increases abilities to help and teach all classmates
- develops empathetic skills
- provides opportunities to vicariously put their feet in another child's shoes
- enhances appreciation for the diversity of the human family
- helps teachers appreciate the diversity of the human family
- helps teachers recognize that all students have strengths
- creates an awareness of the importance of direct individualized instruction
- increases ways of creatively addressing challenges
- teaches collaborative problem solving skills
- develops teamwork skills
- acquires different ways of perceiving challenges as a result of being on a multi-disciplinary team
- enhances accountability skills
- combats monotony
- promotes the civil rights of all individuals
- supports the social value of equality
- teaches socialization and collaborative skills
- builds supportiveness and interdependence
- maximizes social peace
- provides children a miniature model of the democratic process
from "Creative Educators at Work: All Children Including Those with Disabilities Can Play Traditional Classroom Games," by Donna Raschke, Ph.D., and Jodi Bronson, Ed.S., 1999