- Glassboro High School
- Philosophy of Education
Wisniewski, Richard
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Philosophy of Education
“The saddest thing in life is wasted talent” Quote from the movie A Bronx TaleMy education philosophy deals with student’s individual gifts and talents. I would venture to say that every student has gifts and talents. Some children’s talents are very apparent from the moment that you meet them. Other children have talents that they keep hidden away. Talent hides and shows itself in many different ways. Some students might be intelligent and can get an A on every quiz or test you give them. Some students might be tremendous athletes that perhaps are not the greatest academically. Others might not be athletes or scholars but artists. The thing to keep in mind is everyone has a talent and as a teacher it is up to us to help those students use their talents and flourish. We must reach those students and make learning something they want to do and not have to do. Helping a student grow their talents and reach their potential is a key aspect of why I am a teacher. Although grades are important, education is about making students better people for the future.