Belh, Michael
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Michael BelhWorld History and United States History 1 and 2
BS, Administration of Justice, Rutgers College, 2000
MA, Special Education, Wilmington College, 2006
Full Athletic Scholarship at Rutgers (Football), Played 2 Division 1 Sports (Football, Wrestling)
Member of Paulsboro Football Progam that won 63 games in a row(NJ State Record still today)
Member of Paulsboro Wrestling Program that won 25 Straight State Team Titles(National Record still today)
History Teacher: World History, United States History 1 and 2
Leadership Developmemnt Club Advisor, Mentor
Motivational Speaker- Relentless Pursuit- My story and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Mission Statement
All students will be prepared with skills and attitudes necessary to succeed as life-long learners, and will be competent, well rounded individuals, ready to attain productive and self-fulfilling roles in a global society.
A partnership of Board of Education, staff, students, parents, and community will ensure a commitment to the shared obligation to provide an optimum opportunities for learning.
Educational community members will dedicate themselves to the responsible execution of their obligations to the children, parents, and citizenry of Glassboro.
Personal Education Philosophy
We will have relentless pursuit of growth academically, socially and emotionally. We will puruse to be relentless lifelong learners and add leadership qualities on a daily basis through my teaching of my 7 Laws of Leadership and my 7 Pillars of Living a Successful life. We will add mindfulness activities, social and emotional learning, character education to the classroom to make each student that takes my course the best version of themselves. Every child is different and has many best self traits, I will bring those traits out of each student and have them live them every day. Every child comes from a different background and that gives each student there unique qualities. We will celebrate those unique qualities each student brings to the classroom through our interactions and understanding of human behavior. We also must look for the things we all have in common. Our common goal is to make everyone better when experiencing my classroom and for those students to make their families, community and state a better place to live.
Ext 8113